Welcome to the online home of the
Chicopee High School Class of 1965.

We would like to invite you to browse this site in hopes it brings back fond memories of yesterday and perhaps will re-acquaint you with classmates and friends.

*June, 1965
To the members of the Class of 1965:

We, the editors of your yearbook, Opus' 65, present to the class at this time a book which has taken many hours of work and a great deal of patience to complete. We think that this yearbook is the best to emerge from the halls of Chicopee High School and hope that you, the subjects of the yearbook, find that it meets and far surpasses your expectations. Therefore, with a great deal of pleasure, we present Opus '65.

Joyce Wrzesien - James F. Lentowski

*Excerpt taken from original CHS 1965 Yearbook (Opus ‘1965)



Hey Classmates, Submit Your Photos!

Submit Photos

Chicopee High School 1965 is happy to announce a way for you to share photos of yourself and your classmates. Please send us your pictures from high school, reunions, and even recent family photos.

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50th Reunion Photo Gallery

Chicopee HS 1965 Reunion

September 25th, 2015 at the Munich Haus was the first night of the week long reunion celebration, followed by Saturday at Castle of Knights and the Tour of the old Chicopee High School.

View 50th Reunion Photo Gallery